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Problemen update 1000.

Verfasst: 13. August 2008 15:49
von kuyer
Noch immer sind viele Problemen mit der Harmony 1000.
Mein Vorschlag an euch macht im Moment keinen update und arbeite nicht in de Software.

Sie auch alle Problemen, hier gemeldet.

Dieser Mail habe ich nach Harmony Haupt Support geschickt:
Logitech, when can we aspect the fix for the 1000.
After the problems from last weekend, the problems for the Harmony 1000 is still there.
You can read all the problems on yours and other forums.

If i start the software, there is still no message that there are problems for the 1000.
And no official statement here on your forum.

Every one who is playing with the software and updating there 1000 are screwing it up.
Lost commands, lost devices, and so on.

Do we again have to wait a few days, before you admit that there is huge problem.
What do you think off all those people, that doesn't look at a forum.

Again i have sent my forum members a mail, not to update there Harmony 1000.

I hope this time, that i get a quick answer.
The last time i sent you three mails, and until today, no answer from you.
That is not the service i no from Logitech.

Greetings Henk - Webmaster
Harmony Forum Holland
User off Harmony 895 and One
Mahl sehen ob jetzt was kommt.

Update 14-08-2008

Verfasst: 14. August 2008 19:44
von kuyer
Letzte bericht von Logitech.
Hi all,

I apologize for the delay in updating all of you on the current situation.
Several fixes have been applied since last Friday's update. Many issues have been fixed, but not all.

Issues that should now be resolved:

1. Receiving Unable to Display Content when deleting a device (all remote models)
2. Commands repeating for all devices (all remote models)

Issues that are still outstanding:

1. There were three different issues causing the Unable to Display content message. Two of those have been resolved. A third fix is currently being tested and should go live today.

2. Harmony 600 series remote users are unable to customize the Activity buttons on their remotes. This is being investigated.

3. Harmony 1000: button mapping is reset to default when an RF extender is added. This should is also included in today's fix.

4. Harmony 1000: All button mapping disappears. This is caused by an error with Sequences. There is a workaround for this. Please contact technical support for assistance with this. If anyone has contacted technical support regarding this issue and has not had their issue resolved, please send me a PM with your incident number.

We continue to work hard on resolving these issues. We appreciate your patience at this time. Please let us know of any issues you are experiencing that are not listed here.


Verfasst: 16. August 2008 12:28
von schaechri
stimmt es, daß das problem behoben ist?

siehe us forum

Logi Team
Posts: 131
Registered: 07-12-2006

Message 3 of 9

Viewed 211 times

Hi there,

These issues have been fixed. A hotfix was applied this morning @ 8:51am. Please update your remote and everything should be back to normal.

Kindest Regards,


08-15-2008 08:59 AM

Verfasst: 17. August 2008 08:32
von kuyer
Hier ein Übersicht über was fertig ist und was nicht:
