seit gerstern bin ich im Besitz einer Ultimate und wollte nach der FB Einrichtung auch die App für das iPhone einrichten.
Leider hatt das nicht funktioniert da die App den Hub nicht gefunden hat obwohl (wie verlangt) der Hub im gleichen WLAN wie mein iPhone angemeldet ist.
Trotz diverser Versuche mit resetten der Geräte und Neuinstallation aller Software und der App bin ich nicht weiter gekommen.
Tante Gockel hat mir dann eien Link geliefert, der mir die Lösung gebracht hat;
Für alle nicht Engländer; ihr müsst dem Hub eine fixe IP Adresse verpassen (DHCP Server im Internet Router/Gateway)!My long-lasting solution: Assign a fixed IP address to the Harmony Hub.
Made the change last week, the iPhone app now finds the Hub instantly every time. Even through iPhone app updates, firmware updates and router restarts.
Two ways to do this:
A. (Recommended) Configure your home nework's DHCP server - usually your broadband router - to lock in an IP address for the Hub. It is "HarmonyHub" on the router's list of attached devices. I'm on FiOS, will describe the process below.
B. (Possible alternate) Assign a fixed IP address to the Harmony Hub through the configuration software. I believe this is possible, haven't tried. Since the hub is on the network all the time, it's unlikely any other device will receive the same IP address.
Speculation - The Harmony app and the Harmony cloud service seem to remember the Hub's IP address and use it in subsequent connection attempts. If the Hub has received a different IP address through DHCP since last contact, there seems to be no reliable mechanism to re-discover it on the network.
To set fixed IP address for Harmony Hub in Verizon FiOS MI424wr router:
Browse to router at and sign in (admin / password). Password is on sticker attached to the router.
Click on the "Advanced" icon in the top row of initial screen. Accept the disclaimer.
Click on "IP Address Distribution" then "Connection List" button on subsequent screen.
Scroll through the device list until you find "HarmonyHub" then click on the edit icon (table icon with a pencil, second in the row of icons).
When the "DHCP Connection Settings" window opens, click on the "Static Lease Type" check-box to enable that option. Don't change the "Host Name" field, you'll likely screw upset the harmony of the Harmony universe.
Click on the "Apply" button, then "Logout" on the left of the "DHCP Connections" screen that reappears.
Hope this helps. To repeat, I've had absolutely no problems with the iPhone app since making that change last week.
Bei meinem Motorola Router als admin eingeloggt (Passwort vom Internet Provider fand ich in meinen Unterlagen...), auf Expertenmodus umgestellt, unter Einstellungen im Punkt IP-Weiterleitung den "HarmonyHub" ausgewählt und auf "Einschalten" geklickt.
Nach dem Neustart des Routers war sofort eine Verbindung der App mit dem Hub möglich!!!
Hoffe es hilft einigen weiter...
